Rotorua Hospital Chaplaincy Department
Ph 07 3497955
    ext 8793
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Vision, Mission and Values

Jeremiah 29:11b


We, the Chaplains of Lakeland Health, recognise the dignity and value of all people, regardless of race or creed. We give witness to Christ as we journey with patients, their families, staff and their families by being:

Affirming, supportive, and by offering Sacramental ministry, thus providing opportunities for reconciliation with God and/or family.



  • To be a sign of the presence of God in the hospital community.
  • To help people find purpose, meaning, and growth in life and death.
  • To lead worship and to offer Sacramental ministry.
  • To be advocates for change in people, systems and institutions
  • To provide for the holistic care of staff, patients and families by working within the multi-disciplinary team.
  • To respond to the change, and ongoing needs of Lakeland Health.